Saturday, October 22, 2005
i've had with him being rude to me and disrespecting me. i know i'm just a female and he's my fiancee but that does not give him the right to treat me in that manner. i'm the type of person that would give due respect to everyone provided they show me that same respect that i rightfully deserve. but if you do stupid things that piss me off or if you're rude to me, you better watch out coz i can do things to you many, many times worse.
he has this irritating habit of blowing bubbles with his saliva. and he blew one right at my face missing my nose by a millimeter. so i hit him very lightly at the side of his face near his ear. i had a helmet bag slung over my shoulder and he started fiddling with the bag while i was still trying to throw some light blows at him. by the way, all this was some harmless playful fun up till the next moment. he fiddled with the bag till my hand got tangle with the strap and when i finally broke free he threw the bag at my feet expecting me to pick it up. that bag contain food which i was planning to save for later. so i screamed at him,
"there's food in there!!!!"
i made him pick the bag up on his own. i refuse to pick up after him when he throws things around. then we started arguing about how that bubble almost hit me which to me is the equivalent of him spitting at me because his saliva will come unto me either way. and that is gross and despicable and utterly unacceptable to me. then he said,
"i know where its going and it didn't hit you anyway. ( which meant that he was planning for that bubble to hit me )... that's not spitting. you wanna know what's spitting? i'll show you what's spitting..... phute!!"
two small drops of saliva hit my face. then i start hitting him like nobody's business. blow after blow after blow... and he hit me back with another round of blows... all the while he was laughing at me, mocking me, making a fool out of me. then one blow hit his face. and he said i was being rude to him. me!! being rude to him?! look who's talking!! and this went on and on and on till we reached home. then he said i argued with him so loudly in front of my dad and embarassed him.. the last thing he said to me,
"i don't wanna talk to you.."
and we haven't been talking since 1 hour 7 mins ago...
~the butterfly S C R E A M E D~
3:22 PM
Thursday, October 20, 2005
god my throat hurts. must be all that smoke yesterday at devil's bar. i don't smoke. generally, i don't have anything against people that smoke as long as the smoke's out of my face. i have no idea why but its as if my face attracted cigarette smoke last nite. on my face, my eyes, my hair, my clothes, everywhere!! i've already washed my hair but the smell's still there. ugh!! gross!! i wanna go home and sleep.. i need water.. my throat's burning..natasha got seventh place at devil's idol. i think she deserves better. but those that did win the top places, save for a couple of deserving ones, only got through coz of the votes. stupid, fuck-shit piece of crap... she's a "raw diamond that can be polished to shine through".. no matter about the drunken boss. anyway, 500 bucks is still something. got lecture after this.. national education.. then 3.30pm i'm homebound..
~the butterfly S C R E A M E D~
4:50 AM
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
someone stole ian's motorcycle parts and replaced them with old rundown ones!! the nerve of some people. its just ridiculous. who would be so stupid to do such a thing? allow me to list down all the damages.
1. headlight inclusive of black front body. (replaced with red headlight body that did not fit because its a different model)
2. side mirror. (missing)
3. two main screws attached to the left side of the engine. (missing, caused the engine oil to flow out of the screw holes when engine is running)
4. red engine cover on the right side. (accessory to protect the engine)
5. front vehicle number plate. (yes, stolen as well)
6. wires attached to signal lights and automatic start button were cut. (basically, its a dead bike)
i'm furious. who would want to do such a stupid thing? that bike is about 2 years old. it ain't brand new. why go through all that effort to steal some stuff and attempt to cover up by replacing with old shit? that is low... there's no other word to describe it. insurance doesn't cover it either. only if the whole bike is stolen then he can make a claim. the scene of the crime is at the multi-storey carpark blk 339 sembawang close deck a3 motorcycle parking lot number 80. discovered on monday 17/10/05 afternoon at about 2.50pm. we made a police report shortly after. did not touch the bike at all. left it the way it was. the parts were dusted for fingerprints. they found some prints as well as a serial number on the replaced parts. those were confiscated as evidence.
we don't know who did it but i'm sure whoever it was, that same person that stole two of our heltmets and other small accessories on separate occasions. but hey, what goes around comes around... whoever did it will get what's coming. especially now, the fasting month. those that do good will be rewarded, those that do wrong will be punished. perhaps this will be a blessing in disguise for ian. he's the kindest person in the world. yet bad things always happen to him. the person that did this vile act will pay. that cheap piece of fuck shit will pay....
~the butterfly S C R E A M E D~
12:08 PM
Saturday, October 15, 2005
dinner with cc2 aas peeps yesterday at seoul garden. haha!! it was awesome. we occupied the whole row at the back. i ate till my tummy was bulging. we treated the place like our father's restaurant. talking, screaming, shouting, laughing, taking photos. stuffing our pie holes with chicken, beef, eggs, prawns and ice cream. i'm so proud the spicy garlic prawns that i barbequed for my table. i sat with ying jia, dilys, yj, najihah, hafeez, jasmine a, and faizal. the loud crowd!!yummy!! and the sausage and onion omellette me, ying jia and dilys cooked up tasted so good!! it was hilarious. i pity the waiters. we made a huge mess yesterday and they had to clean up after us. i don't think they expected so many people to turn up. plus it was so obvious they were short of staff. to the waiters at seoul garden yesterday, thanx so much for being so accommodating. there was another big group there. all girls. they don't look like convent girls though. we've got so much more class. and this irritating bi-atch wearing a red top kept looking at the window behind us to check out her reflection and adjust her hair right in front of us. she's not even hot. more like below average. we were all bitching about her. hafeez even re-enacted what she was doing while we all laughed aloud.*break in blog*those idiots are reading blogs out loud again.. haha!! read this out guys. get a life!!!! hahaha!!!*resume blogging*anyway, ian was eating outside alone yesterday. i told him to come join us but he didn't want to. i felt so bad eating all that good food with even better company while he's all alone. still didn't explain why he had to be so grumpy. he's in a better mood today. its the last day at cc2. its also the last day of tep. hurray!! i survive 6 mths of free labour!! i'm goin back to classical!! did i mention i'm taking french language next semester? i didn't? i'm taking french language next semester!!! *sings* i'm taking french! i'm taking french! i'm taking french! *stops singing* i'm goin to start uploading some pictures to my blog now. its been long neglected. to all my cc2 peeps, i love you all so much!! i'll miss you people but must stick together k! you're all a really great bunch. we can all meet up sometime and go for dinner or whatever. *sing to the tune of atomic kitten's whole again*if you see me walking around in school, staring at the sky,dragging my two feet,and you just pass me by,without saying 'hi!',i'll scream out at you again!!if you see with my other friends,laughing and joking,doing what i can,please don't turn away,i still want you around,you can make me smile again..looking back on where we first met,i cannot escape and i cannot forget,you peeps are the one,you all still turn me on (hahaha!!),you all can make me whole again!!!!enjoy the pictures!!
~the butterfly S C R E A M E D~
6:02 AM
Monday, October 10, 2005
break fast last nite with the girlfriends. we had a hell of a time. we talked, joked and laughed the whole night. a lot of things to catch up on. we were supposed to go to breeks at takashimaya but changed plans at the last minute. all coz of my baby, ian. he wanted to eat at fish & co at wheelock. azmi and zul were working that time. so then i told him to go there earlier to get a table for us. he finished work at 4.30pm anyway. the poor darling had to wait for us for an hour. he was sitting alone at the table coz the restaurant don't take reservations on weekends. i took the train and met dee at toa payoh. i thought i was late but she was even later than me. she looked gorgeous in a long tiered boho skirt, white tube, a blue cardigan and black butterfly heels. yes, the same one my mother has in white. i was wearing my black butterfly heels too. haha! great minds think alike. gosh! its been so long since i've seen her. so we took the train to orchard and met nadia and faisal. yup, i'm proud to say that i have really hot girlfriends. love the top girl! a sheer, long-sleeved off-shoulder top. faisal looked great too. have you ever seen a guy pull off a soft light green tshirt with rhinestones, berms and white sneakers without looking gay? faisal did it. ok enough with the outfit we all walked to wheelock. ian kept calling me asking me what i want to order. so impatient! can't you wait till we reach? so we all got there and then came zy and saiful. now that we're all here sitting at the table we can order while all the other people are standing in line at the ridiculously long queue that kept swaying from the left, to the centre, to the right. then us girls started talking and gossiping and bitching and taking photos. we're all camera whores you know. then we finally decided to order. let me tell you it was a lot of food. we had seafood platter for two ( enough for four or five actually), best fish & chips in town, two new york fish & chips, sambal fillet with rice, two black pepper stingrays (one with rice, the other with chips), fried calamari, two jungle freeze and two sharkie freeze. all that for seven people. it was a feast. not to mention our kind server ivan was great. if you ever dine at fish & co wheelock, ask for ivan. he really delivers good service. i found out and dee is actually interested in a malay guy. that's like a shock to me coz she's always had a thing for chinese guys. maybe coz she's part chinese. out of the four of us, dee's the only one who never had a serious guy. zy and nadia, i mean their relationships are complicated, the on and off kind. i'm not trying to say that my relationship with ian is perfect ( which its not). my point is, we've been friends for almost five years. i'm the first one that's going to settle down. we're all still young. i just chose to make that decision early. my girls are all independent. they don't like to be tied down to a rock you know what i mean. dee, i'm still waiting for you to start dating. haha!it was nice having dinner with all of them again. feels just like old times back when we're in ijtp. at least they're not bickering with their guys. we walked downtown to cineleisure. we thought of catching a movie but there were only midnite shows. dee and nadia had to catch the train home early. even though we're 18 we still have curfews. fasting month some more. not good to stay out late. we played pool instead. my skills are getting worse and worse. i'm so lousy i bet you'd pay for me to stop playing. must really start practising again. ian and me reached home at 11.45pm. it was so humid i took a shower before i went to bed. of course ian stayed up to watch soccer with my dad. men! and so it concludes my dinner with my darling girlfriends. zy!! you have my bracelet! naughty naughty you!!got some pictures here. only 3 but i'll try to get some more..
me and greedy monkey eating fries...
nad, dee & me..
~the butterfly S C R E A M E D~
1:45 PM
Friday, October 07, 2005
i'm collecting the pies today. mmm... chicken pies... can't wait to sink my teeth in them. i'm leaving sch at 3.30pm today. applied for flexi leave. get to go home early. baby will fetch me. we're planning to go to the bazaar at woodlands to buy food home for breaking fast. my sista coming over with her hubby. we're all goin to have a nice family dinner tonite. i want to go geylang. mum said they're selling the straw bag that i want at only $12.90. i also want to buy dendeng. the barbeque meat is really nice and we all only get to eat it once a year. i wonder when i can go. maybe tomorrow nite? baby's off day i think. or maybe saturday. i'm meeting dee and zy to break fast together. haven't decided where to go yet. dad's not working this weekend. i'm certain my parents will be at geylang. they never miss an opportunity to go out together. oh! i've got a question.. anyone know what the furry, big eyed animal with a tail in madagascar is called? the one that that sang "i like to move it, move it.... you like to... MOVE IT!!!? baby was asking me yesterday. his colleague keep calling him panda bear and he wants to call her that big eyed creature. so i told him "i don't know. oompa loompa?" hahahaha!!!! i know its not oompa loompa. oompa loompa is from charlie and the chocolate factory not madagascar. and he laugh and laugh and laugh. it was hilarious.. ok 2 more hours and i'm home bound....
~the butterfly S C R E A M E D~
4:25 AM
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
*yawn*... i'm sleepy.. so tired of making calls. don't feel like doing anything now. i went shopping at causeway pt last friday with my mum and dad. bought 2 pairs of heels. a pretty black butterfly pair and a sexy bronze pair from charles and keith. picked out a pair of lovely pink wedges for my mum. i really like that pair but i didn't get it for myself. baby says wedges don't look nice at all. so i don't wear it even though i really like it. i only dress to impress him. and only him. that's why i always ask his opinion whenever i don't know what to where. anyway, our little shopping escapade earned me a charles and keith vip card. pretty savvy eh? we had bbq ribs and black pepper beef at cavana's after that. the portions were huge! but i love the ribs. the meat just melts in your mouth. mmmm...i stayed home on saturday. yes, shocking i know. he didn't want to go out. he's tired. i can understand. after all he finished work at 3am that morning. i let him sleep till noon. we rented rush hour 2 vcd and slack at home. he had to work at 5pm. so i spent saturday nite watching tv. it was sweet of him to bring me out on sunday. we had lunch at hard rock cafe then watched dukes of hazzard after that. i wanted to watch corpse bride actually. but he didn't. anyway, the bag i've been eyeing at the limited edition store at heeren is gone. *sniff* :( where can i get it now? if anyone seen a plain black vintage sling bag with a hot pink "adidas" emblazoned at the front, please buy it for me.. don't worry i'll pay you back. thanx so much..
~the butterfly S C R E A M E D~
8:05 AM
Saturday, October 01, 2005
anyone planning to catch a movie this weekend? must watch four brothers!! it totally rocks! farking awesome! saw it last nite with my baby at yishun. rushed down after school to catch the 940 show. was on nite shift yesterday. and we didn't have to pay a single cent for the tickets. we had free passes thanx to california fitness. then we bought long john silver's and snuck it into the theater. haha! that's what we tend to do nowadays. cinema food is so expensive nowadays. but seriously, four brothers is a damn good show. i even cried at one part. this show personifies the word brotherhood. it has the perfect mix of violence, suspense, love, loyalty, sex, and a twisted plot. it makes you want to be fiercely protective of your loved ones coz it'll only take a second for them to disappear from your life forever. i'm not going to tell you the whole story. go watch it. its worth every penny.
~the butterfly S C R E A M E D~
12:05 AM
Sharifah Herlina Sulastri (Ifah)
16 August 1987
i am leo, hear me ! R O A R !
...~CRAZY OVER~...
my sayang, my darlin frenz, pink, brown, black, green, butterflies, my iPod mini, my laptop, shopping, bags, shoes, makeup artistry, reading, flea markets, roxy, mango, topshop, future state, gripz, guess, dior, nike, adidas
fiercely protective
need attention
complicated sometimes
mood swings
multiple personality disorder
need to be around people
impulsive shopper
do you want me.. like i want you..